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Missing: Martinez, Belinda
Case Number: 90-82738 Missing Since: 08/30/1990
34 years, 7 months ago.
Race: Hispanic/Latino Age at Disappearance: 32
Sex: Female Height: 5'4"
Eye Color: Black Weight: 130
Hair Color: Black
Last Seen At:
1416 N Tangerine St, Immokalee, FL 34142
Last Address:
Not specified.
Scars, Marks, Tattoos:
Scar left temple, upper front teeth are false.
Vehicle Information:
Additional Case Information:
Belinda Martinez was last seen August 30, 1990. Information has been received that she may possbly have een enroute to Texas or Mexico.
Her family has not had contact with her since she has disappeared.
If you have any information on Belinda Martinez's whereabouts, please contact
The Collier County Sheriffs Office at 239-252-9300.
Victim Photos
Missing Endangered Female Belinda Martinez
If anyone has information on this case please contact any of the following offices:
Collier County Sheriff's Office - Missing Persons Information
Call: (239) 252-9300 (24/7) 
Collier County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center
Call: 239-252-9300 (24/7) 
Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers
Call: 1-800-780-TIPS (1-800-780-8477) (24/7) 
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